This Breakthrough Intensive is designed for you to release old emotional paradigms, patterns, unforgiveness, and hurt from the past so that you can move forward with more clarity and less stress/overwhelm.
The results you can expect include:
Feeling empowered where there was once confusion.
You feel more clear about the actual root of your current problem.
You have action steps on what to do next to move along your path.
Feeling more in control of your experience.
Duration: 2 Sessions (120 Min each)
Pre-prepared plan from Nira for the Breakthrough Intensive based on your questionnaire answers
Sessions will include release and forgiveness work so you can clear the slate and move forward with more clarity.
Access to my entire body of tools including:
Depending on what’s needed we will use use NLP, powerful mind body tools like felt sense work, inner child work, forgiveness work, voice dialogue, sub-personalities work, powerful visualizations, hypnosis, sacred meditations, energy healing, and womb space activations, time line therapy.
Digestible and aligned action steps for you moving forward
Investment: $997