Have you felt the rumbling to let go and finally say f*ck YES to living your truth?
I teach spirit-led women how to radiate wholeness, lead from their healthy feminine energy, and embody high frequency expansion i all areas of their life. All of it.
It wasn’t always this way for me. Not even close.
There is nothing like wanting to feel ease and flow in your life and relationships while continuing to feel stress and strain instead. Few things can leave us feeling as tired and lost.
Whether we’re dealing with one particular area of difficulty in life or feeling like nothing is working out anywhere, the challenges can feel insurmountable at times. Sometimes the weight of healing our relationship to self and others can cause us to feel even more alone, hopeless or rejected.
This total collapse of my life showed me the deep level of codependence I had placed on my happiness.
My Story...
This is such a personal topic for me.
I have been in the depths of darkness when it comes self-love, worthiness, rejection and abandonment.
For a long time, I thought “self-love” was a wishy washy term that didn’t really mean that much. I oscillated between thinking I had it all figured out or that I was completely lost and incapable of living a life where I felt totally and completely worthy. I spent most of my time in the latter thought and looked for this love, sense of worthiness and stability from other people and things outside of myself.
At first, I thought I could just read more self-help books, grow my career, live in the perfect city neighburhood, get married, grow my family, buy a house, go to motivational seminars, accumulate more socially accepted “badges” of success, be more positive and…just hope that things would feel better on the inside.
This approach completely backfired on me.
I was totally bypassing the real issues in my life. I was escaping to spiritual endeavours and contending with dominating (and very unhelpful) mind chatter instead of listening to the deep, consistent and ever present wisdom of my body. I “thought” I was setting boundaries, but I was still allowing destructive relationships patterns to persist and I was living in constant stress and anxiety in the background.
This made me sick. Really sick.
I was emotionally drained. My adrenals were shot from the ongoing stress from childhood into adulthood. My body was screaming at me through multiple autoimmune conditions. My relationships were struggling. Worst of all, I felt horrible about myself. My self-worth dwindled to almost nothing and my sense of vitality and zest for life dissipated.
I couldn’t even recognize myself anymore.
This total collapse of my life showed me the deep level of codependence I had placed on my happiness.
I needed my partner and other key relationships to show up a certain way for me to feel safe, secure, cared for and loved. Obviously, this didn’t work very well. It actually sucked pretty hard because no one could be what I wanted, when I wanted, all the time.
I had to confront my insecurities and all the ways I was giving the power of my happiness away to others...
I put in the work of excavating my past and coming face to face with the unhealed wounds, limiting beliefs, patterns and fears that kept me stuck in the same old story of powerlessness and victimization.
I stepped up, out of victimization, and into my life and so can you! I learned to respond to my shadow, habitual thoughts and patterns differently.
I began to embody freedom in my body soul.
I learned how to be the master of self-love in my life, especially when anxiety, stress and agitation were rearing their ugly heads once again! I started to intimately know self-worth, personal power and what it means to live a pleasure filled life.
From this place, I rose to the occasion of my life and my relationships rose with me. It has and continues to take a lot of work, which is why commitment and accountability to ourselves is so pivotal.
This journey has truly been about taking a long look at myself and stepping into what it really takes to create the love, pleasure, connection and meaning that I want and deserve. And you know what? It continues to work!
My life isn’t perfect, but now I have the tools and strategies for dealing with whatever comes my way. I make sure that I am heard, honoured and valued by first doing those things for myself and showing up in healthy ways to create the space for others to do the same for me. In the end, it is much less about other people and so much more about what’s going on in our internal world.
My personal journey has sent me deep into a quest to discover the tools that actually help us shift emotionally so that our internal world becomes a garden of beauty worth marveling at. When this happens, the external world follows suit with ease and gentleness. Wherever you are in your journey of reclaiming self-love, worthiness, joy, pleasure, connection, intimacy, freedom…the tools and processes work.
Together, we will uncover your deepest desires and your most unconscious fears.
We’ll get to the heart of your current feelings and move through it with greater perspective and understanding.
Not only will we work directly on your current life concerns and challenges, but we’ll also dig deeper. We’ll look at the various relationships and experiences that have shaped you and your life. You will be held in a space of compassion and non-judgement as you take massive strides toward harmony in your life and relationships. You will walk through deeply transformative healing processes, be given exercises and activities to shape new patterns in your life and relationships, learn tools and strategies to deal with real life challenges and stresses and reclaim the radiant, radical and life affirming power that IS yours.
Knowing exactly how to shift from low to high vibrational feelings
Releasing the mental chatter that’s been bothering you about yourself, relationships or recent conversations
Feeling positive about who you are and what you have to offer the world
Not wondering about your future, but being so content in your present that you trust where you are
Being so in tune with your day to day, that things that used to stress you out and put you in a tailspin, simply flow over you like gentle waves because you use your tools to hold onto your power
No longer second guessing your intuition, instead, letting it lead to the benefit of all areas of your life
Knowing exactly where and how to create healthy boundaries for yourself and others - with grace instead of massive conflict.
Rewriting stories of lack, rejection and abandonment from your past so that life feels easier, open, authentic and allows you to express yourself fully
Once and for all, putting down past family baggage that may have held you back until today